A trip to Israel is always full of surprises. When traveling to Israel you might imagine holy sites, ancient ruins and desert landscapes. When thinking of colorful sites perhaps you’d envision the spices and fruit of the shuk, hiking through a field of wildflowers, or maybe creative dishes at a cutting edge restaurant, but not street art. Well here’s a surprise…
I had the good fortune to join Guy Sharett, veteran podcaster and street art aficionado, on one of his street art and graffiti walking tours of Florentine, one of Tel Aviv’s most bohemian neighborhoods. We saw firsthand how the street artists of Tel Aviv create tongue-in-cheek social satire while lighting up the neighborhood in a panoply of colors, textures and materials. Guy provided great historical context and gave us a sense of the neighborhood’s past and its likely future. This is a great addition to any art lover’s trip to Israel.